

Infant School

'Learning together to make a difference'

Welcome, Ethos & Culture



Whether you are new to Whybridge or have been with us for years we hope that you will find the information you need here as a 'one-stop-shop'.  Of course if you need to contact us we welcome phone calls, emails or visits to help you get the information you need.  At the bottom of this page you will find links to more information on life at our school and our procedures for pupil admissions and adult recruitment.



Opened on 9th September 1965, Whybridge Infants is a local authority maintained community infant school located in Rainham, in the furthest east London Borough of Havering.  The school is open to children from ages 4 - 7, across the school years: Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.  Being three-form entry, meaning that there are three classes in each of these school years.  Each class has a maximum of 30 pupils.  There is a private pre-school on site for pre-Reception aged children and a neighbouring junior school for post-year 2 children.  Whybridge Infants is in fact entirely independent of both these other establishments despite housing the pre-school and sharing a name and boundary fence with the juniors.


Havering has a diverse and expanding mix of cultures, attitudes and levels of affluence.  It has moderate mobility levels and ever changing needs in the community.  The borough is on the border of Greater London and Essex, so there are many opportunities to seek adventure in the city or the countryside as both are easily accessible by a short journey on public transport.  The borough itself has some densely populated areas as well as some less urban areas, green spaces and award winning parks.  As a school we are located very close to Rainham Marshes nature reserve along the river Thames and there are many sites of public interest and cutlural/ historic significance in and around the local area.

Our Mission


We strive to provide a happy, safe and caring environment where children can form positive relationships, develop independence and responsibility and take pride in their achievements.  We are committed to improving the learning experiences of our pupils, the professional development of our staff and opportunities for liaison with our community.


This mission statement is summarised in our school motto:  Learning together to make a difference!

Our Values


Whybridge Infants is a great place to work and learn because we have:

  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Resilience
  • Kindness
  • Manners


The school also actively promotes British values.  More can be found about how we do this on our policy page.

Our Vision


It is our aim to:

  • Give children an equal opportunity in all areas of school life regardless of ability, age, gender, race or religion.
  • Teach all areas of the curriculum at the highest appropriate level for each individual child.
  • Provide a happy, safe and caring environment in which all children feel secure.
  • Offer an environment that stimulates curiosity, develops imagination and gives opportunities for investigative learning.
  • Create home-school links and those with the local and wider community.
  • Nurture independence and responsibility in children in preparation for the next step of their education.
  • Build self-esteem in children and pride in their personal achievements and those of their peers.
  • Establish and encourage positive relationships between children in order that they work and play cooperatively.
  • Develop children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness leading to an understanding of the world in which they live.
  • Equip children with the knowledge and attitudes necessary to become responsible citizens.

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