Mrs Leech or Mrs Miller in the office will be happy to help with your enquiry. The headteacher, business manager and all other staff can be contacted via the office or email one of the specific links below.
Phone 01708-551712 (infants, not juniors)
Post Whybridge Infant School, Ford Lane, Rainham, RM13 7AR
Access to Paper Copies & Alternative Formats
Simply contact the school office if you require any paper copies of the information on this website or if you need alternative formats. Top right is a translation button
Disabled Access
Our school is entirely on one level with most entrances being step-free. If you have specific needs please contact us and we will be happy to assist you. Our accessibility plan can be found on the policies page under the key information menu.
Office Open Hours & Site Access
08:30 - 15:45, Monday - Friday, term time only. Access outside of these hours is by arrangement with the Site Manager or Senior Leadership Team
(Click to enlarge the images. Transport links and navigation tools are available lower down)
Gaining Entry and Reporting to the Office
We are positioned at the Eastern end of Ford Lane on the Southern side of the road. Look for our high blue fence that lays back between house numbers 7 and 21 (fig. A).
On foot; the intercom is on the left of the single pedestrian automatic security gate (fig. A). Press it to speak to the office and then push the gate when they release it. Enter the site and follow the path around to the right - the office is in the recessed corner near the car park (fig. C)
By vehicle; the intercom is on a post in front of and to the right of the automatic security gates at car window height (fig. A). Press the button to speak to the office - the gates will open automatically once released by the office staff. Drive through to the car park and then access the office via the gate on the very outer corner of the building to your left as you drove in (fIg C).
From South End Road
Turn into Ford Lane, next to the zebra crossing (fig. D-E) and we will be found just a short way down on your left-hand side (fig. F-G). If you reach Brittons Academy Secondary school and playing fields on the right, you have gone past us by about 200-300 meters (fig. H.) Turn around and follow directions from Rainham Road (fig. N)
From Rainham Road
Turn into Ford Lane (fig. I-J) and follow its twists and turns, past Brittons Academy on the left, all the way to the extreme far end of the road (fig. K-M). We will then be found on your right-hand side just after the Sunningdale Road junction (fig. N). If you reach South End Road, you have gone past us by about 50 meters (fig. O).
Our address is listed at the top of this page. The school travel plan can be found on the policies page under the key information menu.
Cycling/ Scooting
Cycle storage is available on site and roads and pavements are wide and clear in the majority of the area around us. The local area is very flat and roads are well maintained although busy with vehicular traffic. Racks are available on site (inside our fenced area) for pupils who come to and from school using cycles or scooters
We only have a very small car park that is normally full, so we can not usually offer a parking space on site to visitors (however if you have a disability please contact us). There is some free parking available in the nearby streets but the roads are narrow with some restrictions and metering in certain places. Please check the relevant street signage and road markings before leaving your car. Also there are two neighbouring schools in the immediate area so please be careful to look for young children when parking and avoid blocking our neighbours' driveways, even for only a short stay. Thank you.