

Infant School

'Learning together to make a difference'

TFL stars

At Whybridge we can... achieve GOLD!


TfL Travel for Life

Travel for Life is a TfL accreditation programme, offering schools and education settings across London a series of free educational programmes from age 3 to 17 designed to inspire young Londoners to travel actively, responsibly and safely. We award a gold, silver or bronze accreditation based on the number of activities that have been completed.   


Over 1500 schools have been accredited. Whybridge Infant School was accredited Gold in Autumn 2023. 


There are three levels of TfL Travel for Life accreditation: bronze, silver and gold
The level depends on:

  1. How successful a school has been in reducing car use and increasing sustainable travel
  2. How many travel activities a school completes

At Whybridge Infant School we promote children to travel to and from school by

  • Walking
  • Cycling/ Scootering


We have a new storage shelter for children to store their bikes or scooters securely during the school day.
