When Should I Contact the DSL?
- To report ANY safeguarding concern about any pupil at this school (whether the concern is within or outside of school).
- To report ANY safeguarding concern about any adult at this school (e.g. staff member, agency worker, placement student, governor, parent, volunteer).
- To report poor practice or a policy risk that could impact on the school's ability to effectively carry out its safeguarding duties.
- If the DSL is not available, the school has two deputy DSLs whom can be contacted via the school office.
When Should I NOT Contact the DSL?
- When the concern relates to the DSL themselves - In this instance you should instead contact the chair of governors. If the Chair of Governors is not available, safeguarding concerns relating to the DSL should be reported to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO).
- When you have a concern about a child in immediate danger and the school is closed
See the link here for relevant alternative contacts: