

Infant School

'Learning together to make a difference'

Parental Engagement & Ofsted Parent View

Involving You in Your Child's Education

Children thrive when they hear consistent messages and the adults around them work as a team.  Your child is special to you and you will want to be involved in their school life as much as you can be.  With this in mind we have the usual parent/teacher meetings a few times per year, but we also find invite our parents in be part of the education journey at frequent intervals.  We regularly arrange:

  • teacher/ parent meetings
  • stay and play dates
  • parent stay assemblies
  • celebration events at Christmas and end of school year


Keep up to date with planned events and what your children have been doing recently on the links here:

SchoolCloud Parents Evening - How to book and attend your appointment

Sometimes (such as during the coronavirus pandemic) we need to meet with you virtually. See this guide for how to stay involved remotely.

Opportunities for further involvement

Listening to Your Views

We want you to be involved and tell us when things go well, when things need to be improved and share with us your child's experience of learning so that together we can deliver the right lessons at the right time.  You can contact us as follows:

  • Contact the office to discuss general arrangements and support that you may need as a parent or family
  • Contact the teacher and arrange an appointment to discuss specific classroom or teaching matters if your child needs help in their learning or they are finding work too easy
  • Contact us if your child has special needs or abilities that need addressing above the normal arrangments
  • Keep us up-to-date if your child is unwell and if we can help in any way
  • Contact us if you are not happy or you notice something that needs improving
  • Contact us to offer your help and support to raise funds or attend class events and trips

Let Ofsted Know What You Think About Our School

You can also view the percentage results from previous years on the parentview site.
