

Infant School

'Learning together to make a difference'

Rewards & Behaviour


We use a variety of methods in school to recognise, praise and reward our pupils when they achieve highly, make good progress and improvements or go above and beyond for others.  These methods include:

  • Verbal Praise
  • Stickers
  • Do Jo Points in class
  • Weekly Head Teacher Awards
  • Hero of the Week
  • Kindness Pom-Pom Jar
  • House Points
  • Sharing good work with a different member of staff or in assemblies


We also celebrate birthdays, and out of school achievements.

Supporting Us With Behaviour in School


We use a range of techniques and strategies to support good behaviour in school which leads to positive engagement and better learning for all.  We are quick to praise and recognise children when they make good choices, whilst dealing consistently with any times where pupils present challenging behaviour.  You can find more information on how we challenge behaviour and reward children in our behaviour policy on the polices page under the key information menu.


You can help your child to be well behaved in school by reminding them of appropriate social expectations and engaging with the school when we tell you about both positive and negative aspects of your child's conduct.  By engaging with us and forming a partnership, children feel valued to continue behaving well and any behavioural difficulties can be quickly addressed and easily overcome.

Supporting You With Behaviour at Home


Often challenging behaviour in school leads to similar issues at home and vice-versa.  It is really beneficial to have dialogue between us so that we can work together to support your child in making good choices and change poor behaviour early.  Your child's class teacher is the first point of contact in school but our SENCO (details on the contact us page under the key information menu) also has lots of experience in dealing with challenging pupils across the school and can discuss strategies and techniques with you.  We have also included some useful websites below to help you form good routines and expectations from an early age.
