

Infant School

'Learning together to make a difference'

Inclusion, EAL, SEN & Disability

Scroll to the bottom of the page for home learning links related to SEN

At Whybridge Infant School, we believe every child has a fundamental right to  an education and must be given the opportunity to achieve and maintain  their learning at the highest level possible.  Every child has unique  characteristics, interests, abilities and learning needs and through a holistic  approach to learning we endeavour to meet these needs. 

We believe that everyone has a right to equal opportunities.  We believe that all children, adults and families should feel welcome and should have an  equal chance to benefit from our school and everything it provides.  We value  the individuality of all children, and the families that they come from.  We are committed to giving all of our children every opportunity to achieve the  highest of standards including those with diverse needs.


We offer a broad, balanced and flexible academic and social curriculum, which is accessible to them and ensures that they are fully included in all aspects of school life.  We have the highest expectations of all children.  We plan our curriculum to extend our children’s knowledge and experience of  other cultures, languages and celebrations.  We ensure that our curriculum  reflects the diversity of our society, and not just our group.  We encourage  children to explore in a positive way the differences and diversity of people.  We actively seek to combat all forms of discrimination and prejudice.


When our children have difficulties which mean that they need additional support or provision, it can be very frightening and confusing. Parents and carers often worry about how they will make sure their child gets the right services and support.


This section of our website aims to help by providing an outline of what we can offer here at Whybridge Infant School what help can be accessed via other services and sources of information.

Our inclusion policy can be found with all our other policies (linked here) and a our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) can be contacted below:

What Does the Local Authority Offer to Pupils with SEND?

Further Support for English as an Additional Language (EAL)

NHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) provided by the North East London Foundation Trust (NELFT)

Home Learning Links for SEN

These links are for more specific learning needs and, although they can be enjoyed by all children, there are some more general home learning links available on the curriculum and assessment page which your child may also find useful.  If you try to use any of these links and they appear to be broken or out of date please let the office know so that we can make the necessary changes.  Thank you.


This first link is our curriculum page with home learning links for all pupils
