

Infant School

'Learning together to make a difference'

Performance Indicators (Ofsted, Finance, Energy)

Formal Achievements, Awards & Accreditations

Educational Scrutiny (Inspections)

  • The school engages with any local authority inspections and audits to scrutinize its educational provision
  • The school is obliged to engage with inspections carried out by the UK Government Department for Education appointed inspectorate - The Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) or its subsidary agencies
  • Following an inspection the school seeks to implement and address any recommendations made as a matter of priority

How to tell Ofsted what you think, and what our stakeholders say about us

Financial Performance Data

Our statements on the use of special funding and premiums can be found on the policies page under the key information menu.  For benchmarking our financial performance against other schools and national averages the link below can be followed:

Number of Staff Earning a Gross

Annual Salary Below £100,000

All employees who are not included in another row, earn in this category and are not required to be specifically numbered

Number of Staff Earning a Gross Annual Salary Above £100,000 0 employees


Financial Probity (Audits)

  • The school undertakes an annual self-assessment against the UK government's Schools Financial Values Standard (SFVS)
  • The school undertakes an annual self-audit of the financial skills and competencies of it's governors and senior staff
  • The school voluntarily engages a local authority auditor periodically to probe into our financial arrangements and make recommendations for improvement
  • The school is obliged to engage with an appointed auditor triennially to probe into our financial arrangements and make recommendations for improvement
  • Audit reports are not published for reasons of financial security and risk management.  Formal outcomes are either:
    • Substantial Assurance | Satisfactory Assurance | Limited Assurance | No Assurance
  • Following an audit the school seeks to address and implement any recommendations made as a matter of priority

Energy Performance
