Follow these simple tips and hints to help make your child's transition to a new class less daunting:
- Talk to your child about how they are growing up and that this is an exciting time for them (do this little and often rather than sitting down for a 'big talk').
- If your child had difficulties previously talk about how this is an opportunity for a fresh start and new beginnings
- Make sure your child is in school on our 'meet the teacher day' (and/or view the 'meet the teacher video') so that they get to see their new teacher and classroom with their friends. Ask them about it at the end of the day.
- Talk about the new things your child will gain, rather than anything they may be losing. Try to avoid giving your child extra worries like "you will have to work much harder in your new class"
- Remember to encourage reading in the gap/ holiday between classes and complete any transition activities that have been set.
- Make sure your child tries on their uniform with time to get new items if your child has grown out of their old ones
- Try to keep in touch with school friends or other children over any holiday period
- Have a look at our curriculum overviews and key dates so that you know what your child will be learning.
- Attend any events the school organises to keep you and your child updated with relevant information
- Make an appointment to talk to the new teacher if you think your child has particular needs or you have any concerns