

Infant School

'Learning together to make a difference'

Extra-Curricular & Enrichment (Visits, Trips, Clubs)

Enrichment is the enhancement of the curriculum to provide greater context and enjoyment as an opportunity to firmly embed learning by making it real and memorable.   Extra-Curricular means services or lessons and learning experiences that are in addition the school's main statutory curriculum provision.  Sometimes these services are provided from the school budget or private fund but usually they are chargeable services.  You can find our charging policy on the policy page under the key information menu.

Visits In to School

We arrange for visitors to come to school and share many different experiences with our pupils on site.  Usually these are free of charge but sometimes we must ask for contributions under the same arrangements as school trips (detailed below).  More information can be found in the charging policy and recent visits can be found on our news & photos page or twitter account linked here.  More details on how visitors are booked and checked can be found here:

Trips Out of School

We organise trips for our pupils during lesson time to local places of interest in order to supplement their educational experience.  Providing such trips are expensive and we ask parents to make a contribution towards these as and when they are organised.  Whilst these contributions are voluntary, the school will subsidize the overall cost up-to a certain limit and if the remaining portion is not received through contribution the trip may need to be cancelled.  The school can not prevent an individual pupil from attending a curriculum trip if they do not contribute.  More information can be found in our charging policy.  The trips are always well planned, risk assessed, enjoyable and informative.


We often ask for parents to get involved and help us by attending on the day of a trip as chaperones.  Please see your child's class teacher if you would like to put your name forward in advance, so we know who we might be able to ask before a trip is planned.


More information on our recent trips can be found on our news and photos page linked above.  Information on school trip lunches can be found here:

Charging and Remissions Policy

Child Care Clubs

For wrap-around care before and after school or for holiday care please see our page under the wider community menu linked here:
