

Infant School

'Learning together to make a difference'

Inclusion Lead (SENDCO & LAC)

When Should I Contact the Inclusion Lead?

  • When you have a query about how our school provides support to its pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in preparation for applying for a place at our school.
  • When you would like to discuss/ be updated on how your child's SEND are currently being met by the school and if you think they may need additional support (including a new or reviewed Educational Health Care [EHC] plan for formally identified needs and changes to those needs)
  • If you need to rearrange an EHC review appointment (short notice would be best to phone the office)
  • If you need support in accessing further resources outside of school or the process for having any SEND your child may have to be formally identified and documented by the local authority.
  • If you think that your child may have SEND but are not sure and you would like to discuss your concerns.

Contact our Inclusion Lead: Mrs Lawrence

Please leave your name, email address and any other contact details for our SENCO to get back to you.
