

Infant School

'Learning together to make a difference'

Statutory Information Index

The UK Government Department for Education (DfE) lists specific information which all maintained schools must publish online.  Here you will find the list with links under each item to the page where the information can be found:

Schools without a website


This information is not applicable to our school as we have a website

Contact details

Admission arrangements

Ofsted reports

Exam and assessment results


This information is not applicable to our school as it relates to specific school years outside of our setting

Performance tables


Remote education

Behaviour policy

Pupil premium

Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch-up premium


This information is not applicable to our school as it relates to specific school years outside of our setting

Coronavirus (COVID-19) catch-up premium

PE and sport premium for primary schools

Equality objectives

Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

Careers programme information


This information is not applicable to our school as it relates to specific school years outside of our setting

Complaints procedure

Governors information and duties

Financial information

Charging and remissions policies

Values and ethos

Requests for paper copies

Statutory Documentation

The DfE also publishes a list of key documents (polices and other) that all schools must have.  Only some of these documents are required to be published (as above), whilst some must remain unpublished.  The list can be viewed here:
