The safety, well-being and care of children is the single most important aspect of our staff's duty toward pupils. We take this aspect very seriously and below you will find links to the UK Government's guidance for this, our own policy page which lists our safeguarding and welfare related policies, key staff and reporting mechanisms and other links which come under the remit of safeguarding and welfare, such as:
As members of school staff we are duty bound within the law to keep children safe in education. This means following the statutory guidance linked here (please understand that our staff are not allowed to deviate from this guidance). We also have our own local policies which further clarify how we follow the guidance and lists routines and practice in school:
You can always speak to any member of staff if you are concerned about a child. However we do have a team of staff who are specifically responsible for safeguarding and they are listed here:
Simply contact the school and ask for one of them by name or ask for the DSL/ Safeguarding Lead. You can also email the DSL directly here:
You can always contact the school safeguarding team for advice or support, but if the child you are concerned about is not a pupil at our school or you think one of our pupils is at risk of immediate danger you should contact the police/ MASH team as they have wider mechanisms to support children outside of school:
Police and emergency services phone numbers:
If you need to raise a concern about a member of staff, contractor, volunteer or other adult in school you should contact the head teacher via the office. If your concern is about the head teacher you should contact the chair of governors.
If you have a concern about the chair of governors (or if they are not available) you should contact the LADO.
If you have a concern about a member of the MASH team you should contact the LADO.